A tea cup full of frosting?
I say, why not? Especially because this frosting is the be all and end all of all frostings if you ask me.
It's rich and decadent, but not too sweet.
I'm the type of person that often prefers the cake to the frosting, since so many frostings are cloyingly sweet and as much as I love dessert I don't enjoy overly sweet treats.
I thought about this frosting sometime last week in preparation for World Nutella Day, but there was a glitch in that World Nutella Day fell on Superbowl Sunday and as much as I love me some Nutella, we all know where my heart was this Superbowl Sunday and the days leading up to it. So it was impossible for me to focus enough to test out my idea.
So here it is, my belated World Nutella Day entry.
It is truly sad that I didn't try this out sooner. It took all I had to not take a spoon and sit down with the teacup full of frosting and eat it like ice cream. The hubs was still sleeping when I made it so, I supposed I could have without fear of his evil eye. But still I think even I would have felt a bit guilty for doing it.
Luckily I already had something to put the frosting on. Delicious and adorable heart-shaped whoopie pies, just in time for Valentine's Day.
Don't worry I'll share the recipe tomorrow, promise. They are so simple you'll totally have enough time to make them before Valentine's Day for your sweetie. That is if you don't have to make multiple batches of this frosting because you might have eaten too much of it plain.
print recipe

Nutella Mascarpone Frosting
Rich and decadent, the perfect foil for just about any cake. Even better eaten straight off of a spoon!
- 1 cup mascarpone cheese - room temperature
- 3/4 cup Nutella
- 1 cup icing sugar
In a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment beat the mascarpone until smooth, just a few minutes. Add in the Nutella and beat to combine. Then add in the icing sugar in three additions, beating to combine each addition.
The frosting will be quite soft, you can use it as is, but if you want it to be a bit more firm put it in the fridge for 30 minutes before using.
Prep time: Cook time: Total time: Yield: 2 cups of frosting